Friday, August 31, 2012


I Want To Be A Blessing

"And I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great; And so shall you be a blessing... And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." (Genesis 12:2-3; NASB)
I think it would be safe to say that most of us want to be blessed. And being a blessed people, most of us “want to be a blessing” to others. Indeed, such a desire is perfectly in keeping with the heart of God. For whoever the Lord has blessed has experienced an inward transformation of the heart, in their receiving the blessing of God. In this transformation of the heart, upon receiving the favor and fortunes of Christ, somebody who is blessed isn't looking to simply keep those blessings selfishly to themselves. Instead, they wish to share the riches they have in Christ with others.

The Redemptive Blessing

God made a promise to Abraham that in blessing him, Abraham’s name would be magnified and exalted, resulting in the blessing of Abraham being spread to every people and in every nation of the earth. Through this blessing, the curse that entered the world through the fall of man in the Garden of Eden would be reversed, and the world ultimately transformed. All of redemptive history has centered around this very promise God made to Abraham almost four thousand years ago. Indeed, the history of the world that yet remains still centers around the working out of the promise that God made to Abraham. There has yet to be a day where God hasn’t been actively looking to bring this promise of blessing to pass. But how has He done this?
First and foremost, this promise made to Abraham centers itself in the work and person of Jesus Christ. God saw the lost spiritual state of mankind, and knew that we were sinners in need of a Savior. So, God sent His only-begotten Son into this world to die for our sins on the cross. Though innocent and blameless, doing nothing deserving of death, He received the wrath and punishment of God for us on the cross. And in the conquering of death by means of His resurrection from the grave, Jesus Christ made it possible for man to be brought into a right relationship with Him, and experience the new life that is available to all who would become a part of His kingdom.
What comes with the new life for those who partake of His kingdom? First and foremost, with it comes being made righteous in the sight of God. And now being in right relationship with the Lord through the work of Christ on the cross, we can enjoy the peace of God which surpasses all understanding. Through being made at peace with God, we now know the love of the Father. Knowing that love, we can now have joy unspeakable. And having such overflowing joy, there is an accompanying glory that rests on our lives.
These are but a sampling of the blessings that are available to us now. So many more could be spoken of, and we haven’t even touched on all of the blessings that are yet to come when the Lord returns at the end of the present age, and in all the subsequent ages that follow. Suffice to say, the riches that are available in Christ are great. Being the King of kings and the Lord of lords, enthroned at the right hand of the Father in heaven, all things are His. And whatever is His, we have been made partakers of by virtue of our spiritual union with Him.
But, as I mentioned earlier, the blessings of heaven afforded to us are not ours to hoard selfishly for ourselves. Just as an apple tree grows fruit for others to consume, so we have been blessed in order that we might be a blessing. And so long as we live in the present age, it is our job as Christians to further God’s redemptive plan in history by dispensing these blessings to others.

Making A True Difference

What then does it mean to be a blessing to others? We all know people, sinners and saints alike, who are “nice” people that make a positive difference in the lives of others. But, if you look at this from a Biblical perspective, being a blessing to others goes beyond showing superficial displays of niceness to others. It goes beyond saying a simple, “God bless you,” to somebody who sneezes at the check-out line in the grocery store.
Indeed, the ability to bless others is a priestly function of the kingdom of God. When one “blesses” another person, they serve as a mediator between two worlds. When we bless others with the riches of Christ and His kingdom, an “I… you… world” relationship is established. And in that relationship, and in that blessing, something is communicated of the knowledge of God. And that knowledge of God is ultimately redemptive in power and scope.
Being a tangible thing that is actually capable of making a redemptive purpose in the life of the nations, it is therefore very important that the nations embrace the blessings God has charged us to dispense. That is why God told Abraham that whoever cursed him would themselves be cursed. For without the blessings God has given us to dispense to this lost and dying world, the nations are filled with nothing but hell and subject to the decay of the curse which began in the Garden. When the mind is left to its’ carnality, and nothing of the knowledge of God is communicated to it by those who minister on behalf of Jesus Christ, then nothing but a “curse” can continue to rule and reign in the lives of people.
When the Lord sent the apostles out on their first missionary journey, He instructed them as follows:
[11] "And whatever city or village you enter, inquire who is worthy in it, and stay at his house until you leave that city. [12] "As you enter the house, give it your greeting. [13] "If the house is worthy, give it your blessing of peace. But if it is not worthy, take back your blessing of peace. [14] "Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet. [15] "Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city. (Matthew 10:11-15)
The, “blessing of peace,” Christ instructed the apostles to minister, as you can see, is a very tangible thing that makes a practical difference in the lives of people. So much so, that should the apostles choose to remove that blessing of peace, an intolerable day of judgment would be reserved for the people from whom the blessing was withdrawn. A horrible vacuum of wrath is created in the lives of those who make no room for the redemptive blessings of God. And such wrath doesn’t always wait until the day of judgment to be demonstrated in some measure.
Such can be seen historically in any nation which has directly opposed the people of God and the gospel message. In 70 A.D., Jerusalem was raised to the ground by the Romans for their rejection of Jesus Christ and the blessings that come through His kingdom. Rome itself would eventually suffer the same fate as it eventually rejected the true knowledge of God for a counterfeit gospel message propagated by Catholicism. And in more recent times, Nazi Germany and Communist Russia came to similar violent ends in their rejection of the gospel and persecution of God’s people. Such should cause those who live in the United States, England, and many other countries to tremble at the steps actively being taken to oppose the work that the Lord is doing in their midst today. An intolerable day of judgment awaits them all.

A Priestly People

Now, I haven’t said all of this to take some opportunity to make an appeal that we put the Ten Commandments back in our court houses, and that we seek to have prayer re instituted in the classroom. Nor have I said all of this to throw some prophetic gauntlet down on the nations of the world, or to send terror into your bones. Rather, I have said all of these things simply to reinforce the idea that the blessings of God are very real and tangible things we have been called to minister. They are blessings the world has gone mad for in their lacking of them. They do make a difference. And if we as the people of God wish to make the redemptive difference God has called all of us to make, and to be a blessing, then we must look at these sobering thoughts as an opportunity to take up the serious nature of our calling to be the type of people that are capable of ministering such blessings. And I believe such requires us to be a “priestly” people.
For as I said earlier, these redemptive blessing of God is not a cheap niceness we exhibit in our conduct, but are tangible things that can only be ministered by those who are priests. Now of course, as the apostle Peter said, by virtue of our new birth, we have been made into a “royal priesthood.” (1 Peter 2:9) But my question to you is, are you living up to that calling? Are you faithfully executing the duties of the priesthood Christ has given to you? Are you priestly?
If you truly wish to be the blessing God has called you to be, then you must become priestly in your mindset and way of life. “Priestly-ness” is marked by sacrifice. Your life must be something that is not your own, but is entirely the Lord’s. You must be holy and consecrated unto Him in all things. You must minister unto the Lord, and serve Him. You must know the word of the Lord, and be able to discern between the holy and the profane thing.
And while having access to the presence of God, you must also be willing to meet the people where they are at, to stand in their place, and get your hands on them. When being a priest, there is no place to be aloof from God or man. A true priest does not keep his distance from either, rather, he is drawn intimately close to both. And it is assuming this posture that the priest successfully bridges the gap between heaven and earth, and allows the blessing of God to rest upon all those who are willing to receive his ministry in the Lord, and the blessing that he brings.


The world is fallen and corrupt. It is suffering deeply because of the curse that was released upon it since man first turned his back on God in Eden. But God being rich in mercy set forth a plan of redemption to restore the blessings of heaven that were once lost to this world. God has chosen to restore those blessings, by making a promise to a man named Abraham, and ultimately through work and person of Jesus Christ and all of those who would follow Him, to yet again dispense those blessings to the uttermost ends of the earth. Such blessings aren’t to be confused with random acts of kindness or good manners, but rather, they are to be seen as eternal and tangible things that communicate a knowledge of God that is ultimately redemptive in value. And such blessings require a people who have surrendered their all in service to their God, and ultimately, their fellow man. For only in complete abandonment does a man find the ability to actually bless others, and bridge the gap between heaven and earth.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Bro.Joe. Bavuma
God desires to bless us with more tremendous blessings than before.  If we have experienced His presence, His blessings of peace and love during the beginnings of our Christian walk with the Lord, then God promises to do more.  But there are principles that must be realized and followed for our ministry to be doubly blessed by the Lord. Deuteronomy 28 
1. Covet to honor the Lord“For those who honor me I will honor and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed,”
(1 Samuel 2:30)

No honor can be so great than the honor that comes from the Lord of lords and King of kings.  But God honors only those who give Him honor.  Imagine a friend, who does nothing for you but disgrace, do you think you will honor such a man?  In the same way, God shall esteem lightly those who despise Him and His cause in the ministry.

The first step for us to honor the Lord is to have that passionate love for Christ.  This kind of love for Christ is being reflected in the manner we live our lives as well as in the manner we take care of God’s ministry.  We should develop the habit of giving honor to God by properly handling and managing the ministry.  Be reminded,  “curse is he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully,” (Jer. 48:10).  Every form of deceit in the ministry of the Lord is a strength and soul if we struggle in doing even the littlest task in the ministry.  If we have that passionate love for Christ, we will be cheerful in everything that we do to serve our Master – the Lord Jesus.
To have this kind of love for the Lord, we have to ask Him to fill our hearts with a passion to love Him.  If we have this, there will be no hindrance that we cannot overcome.  God can use us in a mighty way.  Let us covet to honor the Lord as long as we live.God needs you to add one more day in ministry so that he may give you more steps in your live both spiritual and normal life.
Let us develop a passionate love for God.  We should love God more than anybody else and even more than our own reputation.  The ministry of WSHP where we belong is no ordinary ministry.  This is not a ministry established by men.  It was not born in the heart of any man, not even in my heart but only in the very heart of the Lord.  That is why we have to be extra careful in caring for God’s ministry entrusted unto us.  Anyone who will try to harm us, if we are faithful to the Owner of this ministry is harming the very apple of God’s eye.
If we remain faithful to God, He is obligated to help, support and equip us with all the necessary “ammunitions” as we finish our assignments from Him.  We can be assured of His assistance if we continue to depend on Him for anointing and grace in ministering to the people.  No one has the right to boast of anything.  We must never be tempted to share or touch even an iota of the glory that exclusively belongs to God.
Personal, family, business and political decisions must be motivated by our passionate love for God with an obsession to please His heart and to glorify His Holy Name.

2. Seriously establish integrity in the MinistryA person of integrity is closest to God’s concessional blessings.  This character is what Joseph possesses (Genesis 37-45).  He was then the object of envy of his brothers who attempted to kill him.  But then they thought of selling him instead as a slave in Egypt.  When Potiphar bought him and brought him into his house, he saw the hand of God upon Joseph.  So he promoted Joseph as head over his entire household and field.
Potiphar’s wife tried to entice Joseph but he refused saying in Gen. 39:8, “My master does not concern himself with anything in this house but has entrusted it into my care.  No one is greater in this house than I am.  My master has withheld nothing from me except you because you are his wife.  How then can I do such wicked thing and sin against God?”
No wonder God exalted Joseph to be the most powerful man in Egypt, second to Pharaoh who was then just a figure head.  He was a real man of integrity.
If we do not have integrity, God cannot entrust to us this ministry and the anointing that goes with it.  A person of integrity is one who can be entrusted even with small things.  “He that is faithful in little is faithful also in much,” (John 16:10a).
For us to be used by God to the fullest, we have to live and serve in the Ministry with integrity.  When we enter eternity, all our deeds in service of the Lord will be tested by fire (1 Corinthians 3:11-15) and the reward we will acquire is based on what we did here on earth.  We must desire therefore to seriously establish integrity in the ministry.
Moses, when he was heir to the throne of Egypt, “refused to be known as the son of the Pharaoh’s daughter.  He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time.  He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt because he was looking ahead in his reward.” (Hebrews 11:24-26).
Moses denied himself of the pleasures in this world to obey the purpose of God for his life.  He was also a man of integrity.

3. Faithful stewardship of one’s calling
The fact that God has called us into the Ministry of WSHP, it is undeniable therefore that we have become stewards or trustees of His purpose and calling in our lives.  And “it is required in stewards that one can be found faithful,” (1 Corinthians 4:2).
If we will not nurture and take care of the calling or ministry where God has called us into, it will surely die a natural death.  Remember the parable of the talents (Matthew 25) where the first two servants used their talents and gained more in the end.  But the third servant who was so afraid and thought evil towards his master dug into the ground and buried his single talent.  In the end, that servant was punished for being a foolish steward of God’s talent or calling.
We must therefore have a program for self-improvement and personal spiritual growth.  Aside form reading the Bible, we must also read different good books that can nurture our relationship with the Lord.  Remember, to the level that we want to know God, that will be the same level that we will truly know Him.
Surely, “a faithful man shall abound with blessings” (Proverbs 28:20a). God will never fail to bless, even to doubly bless, the work of a faithful steward of His gifts, calling and mandate.

4. Willingness to pay the price for God’s anointing
Many Christians are saying, “Lord give me the anointing, give me more anointing.”  But they are not willing to pay for its price.
Katherine Khulman, an anointed woman of God, was once asked by Christian educators and researchers about her formula or secret as to why many that are sick got healed and many were blessed by her ministry.  No doubt it is the anointing of God in her.
It has been told that when Khulman was ministering in Japan, she preached for five hours and after that she still wouldn’t pray for the sick.  Some people urged her to start praying for the people are already exhausted.  But she answered them, “there is no anointing yet.”
But when the Holy Spirit began to move, the people got healed even without Khulman praying first.  Many got healed during her ministering that a truck behind the stage was reportedly seen to be filled with crutches of those who were formerly lame.
Khulman had no credentials.  She had been an object of ridicule.  Yet one no one was used by God in the same way she was used.  To get the anointing that she had, she said with tears in her eyes, “It costs me everything.  I always die daily.  Before I preach I have to die first.”
Saint Paul in the same way gave his all, just to fulfill God’s purpose in his life and even forgot to marry for the sake of the Gospel.  He said, “woe to me if I preach not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.”  St. Paul paid the highest price to get God’s precious anointing.
In the same way, we too should be willing to pay the price. It is no ordinary price.  As long as we live on earth, we must continue to pay the price for the anointing of God.  If we will stop, the anointing will also stop flowing and manifesting in our lives.
Don’t hesitate to take the sacrifice.  We should not cease in following Jesus’ footsteps faithfully.  This is the common mistake of those who had been in the ministry for a long time already.  They have stopped paying the price and taking the sacrifices necessary in receiving God’s anointing.  We must not allow this to happen lest our ministry become futile on the sight of men and of God.
If we live by these principles, only then can God’s promise in Ezekiel 36:11 be a reality to us and to the ministry He has entrusted to us.
“… I will do better for you than at your beginnings, then you shall know that I am the Lord.”

7 Principles To Release Blessing In And Around You 

What kind of principles do you live your life by? Blessed people do not become that way by accident. They have chosen intentionally to live according to the truths in God’s Word. The following 30 principles are ones which, when put into practice, will help you to live a life that is truly blessed. 

1.ThePrinciple ofKnowingThatGodOwns It All
The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the LORD Almighty. Haggai 2:8‐9 NIV Not only is the silver and the gold the Lord’s, but everything belongs to God. So why not give it all to Him? Paul says in I Corinthians 4:2 that it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful. A steward is simply a manager of someone else’s money and possessions. We give it all back to God and manage it as He would have us to. For every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. Psalm50:10 NIVA successful businessperson by the name of R.G. LeTourneau was in the business of manufacturing earth-moving equipment. 

As his business grew and prospered, he decided to increase his tithe over and above the tenth. In time, he eventually increased his giving to ninety percent of his income and lived on the rest. Instead of giving the tenth, he lived on the tenth. God blessed this man bountifully and used his inventive God-given genius and creativity to reach the world for the gospel. While there are many great giving scriptures in the Bible, none seems more specific than the directive that every person should give what is in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion. Mr. LeTourneau certainly recognized the value of  2Corinthians 9:7 and that it was God who gave him the power to gain wealth. 

2.ThePrinciple ofGiving from the Top
Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything. Genesis14:20 NIV Abraham tithed the tenth before any other commitment was made. Jacob paid a tithe. Joseph instructed the people to prepare for years of famine by tithing 20 percent on their current abundance of harvest. Zaccheus gave one half of all his money. Barnabas gave a parcel of land. 

The widow gave all that she had. Whatever we give, either the tenth or beyond the tenth, it should be given from the start, off the top, before we commit to anything else. Proverbs 3:9 directs us to honor the Lord with our wealth by giving the first of all our produce. The Jews were told to dedicate the first-born son and the firstborn beast to God. It was all to be given from the top. 

3.ThePrinciple of Supernatural Provision
So she went away and did according to the word of Elijah; and she and he and her household ate for many days. The bin of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil run dry, according to the word of the LORD which He spoke by Elijah. 1Kings17:15‐16 NKJV Supernatural provision happens when the natural is not enough. If we can make it happen on our own, there is no need for faith. No need for trusting God. And it follows that if we do not have faith and have no need for God, He will not step into areas that we 
have reserved for our own self-control. The principle of supernatural provision is that He is strong when flesh cannot be. 

4.The Principle ofBeingProactive
Go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth. Matthew17:27NIV We are to take action—to be pro-active. The abilities and gifting that He provides motivate us to action. Sometimes, it takes our persistence in doing the same things faithfully with the heart of a servant. Other times, it is useful to try new things or new methods and seek after new opportunities. Sometimes, it is the steady plodding that brings the success of the blessed life.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 says, “The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all” (NIV). 

Hebrews 12:1-2 advises, “…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on 
Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith…” (NIV).

 Proverbs 21:5 instructs us that, “Steady plodding brings prosperity; hasty speculation brings poverty” (TLB). 
“If we can make it happen on our own,there is no need for faith.”Taking action, being proactive and not giving up are principles for living the life of a blessed person. 

5.ThePrinciple ofKnowing HowtoBe Content
But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 1Timothy6:8‐9NIV Millions of people today are on a quest to accumulate possessions and even wealth. It is hard for all of us to be content with what we have when the world’s entire system is geared toward making us unhappy with everything we don’t have. From advertising to attitude, we face a discontented culture. How much money is enough? Usually, just a 
little bit more. Money cannot buy contentment or happiness. We need to strive for contentment and contend for happiness. 

There is certainly nothing wrong with making money, as long as we do not violate the laws of our land and the principles of God’s Word. The all-for-me and none-for-others way of man’s thinking is immoral. The person of principle who subscribes to the values of the Bible will be a good steward who obeys the law of giving. This person will find happiness in exact proportion to his giving. He will be content with his life and all that it affords.  

6.ThePrinciple of Resisting World Views
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways will really satisfy you. 
Romans12:2TLB We must resist the world’s view of wealth, happiness and possessions. We do not have 
to have it all! Our culture and society have sold us a bill of goods. They teach us that in order to be happy, we have to have certain things. We must resist the world’s view of wealth, happiness and possessions. We do not have to have it all! We don’t have to wear just the right clothes, drive that certain brand of car, have the latest model available, buy a bigger home, own six televisions, possess the latest camera and carry a 
dozen credit cards in our wallet. We must not allow the world to dictate to us their view of what things our life should consist of.

The world should not be allowed to determine our lifestyle. The world should not tell us what success is and what the picture of affluence should look like. Success is doing what God wants done. It is having only what you need to exist on. Wealth is more than money. It is having a local church that inspires you to draw close to God. It is having a loving spouse and the blessing of children. Wealth is enjoying great health, great relationships and friends. You can experience great success and great wealth as long as your giving is in proportion to your getting. 

7.ThePrinciple of Plenty Left Over
God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more so that there will not only be enough for your own needs but plenty left over to give joyfully to others. 
2Corinthians 9:8‐9TLB It’s not about God making you rich just because you tithe regularly. However, God has promised to meet your needs. That promise may come by way of a job so that you can work hard and provide for your family. 

When you give, it is with complete confidence that God is faithful to His Word. You can trust Him to take care of you. You can trust him with your whole heart and your whole mind; you can trust Him with your life. Some of us find it easier to trust God for eternity than for today’s bills and tomorrow’s problems. When it comes to giving, we must do so in complete confidence that our God will not only meet our needs, but allow us to have plenty left over so that we can joyfully share it with 

My Living God bless you guys as you get to read this, Amen, Please if having any comments don't hesitate to post

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Psalm 100: 1-5: Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us , and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.
As followers of Christ we should never take lightly or forget that we should come before God daily in worship and praise. Many of us “faithfully” check our email on our phones or log into Facebook many times a day, but how often do we pause to check in with the creator of our universe, the redeemer of our souls, the one who sustains our very lives?  If we honestly answer that question, we would probably be embarrassed.
God created each of us to come before Him daily in worship. Psalm 106:1 instructs us to“Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” God wants and deserves our praise and He wants to fill our hearts and our souls with all of the good things of His kingdom.
Praising God for me comes through in my love for music, that somehow spiritually connects me in a closer way to God. We sang a beautiful version of “Great is thy Faithfulness” this past Sunday in church. My heart was stirred as we sang that great old hymn. I feel and draw closer to God through not only the great old gospel hymns of our faith but also through many modern performers and contemporary Christian music.
I urge you to commit yourself to drawing closer to God each day. God greatly desires to draw you into a closer relationship with Him. There is nothing that you can do to draw closer to God, except to have faith and ask Christ to come into your life and restore in you a fullness of His grace, which will draw you into a more intimate and personal relationship with your Saviour.
Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Michael W. Smith says is perfectly for me as I consider the great sacrifice and love that Christ demonstrated for each of us and that He is most certainly worthy of our worship and adoration. I encourage you to listen to the song, Here I am to Worship. I hope that it fills your heart with love and praise for God, our creator who loves us and desires our worship.

Monday, August 27, 2012


Psalm 102: 1-7: Hear my prayer, O Lord; let my cry for help come to you. Do not hide your face from me when I am in distress. Turn your ear to me; when I call, answer me quickly. For my days vanish like smoke; my bones burn like glowing embers. My heart is blighted and withered like grass; I forget to eat my food. Because of my loud groaning I am reduced to skin and bones. I am like a desert owl, like an owl among the ruins. I lie awake; I have become like a bird alone on a roof.
We live in a world where there is constant noise and very little silence. Noise is something that we are accustomed to and when there is silence, we become uncomfortable. When the pastor asks the congregation to pray in silence, before the pastoral prayer, I take notice of people moving around uneasily. Even in the middle of a church service, we are anxious when it comes to silence.
Silence is especially painful when it is the silence of God in our lives. And it seems that when we are going through a painfully long period of silence from God, there are many people that want to tell us about how God has “spoken” to them. That tends to trouble me, because I begin to wonder why God is speaking to them and not to me. The silence that I am feeling becomes agonizing and then uncertainties begin to settle in my mind, and I pray really hard for some kind of answer, and it seems that all I get from God is silence.
When God is silent we can simply become upset with God, we become confused, we start to doubt. The truth is that we just don’t know what to do with God’s silence. There is some sort of anguish in my life, I am suffering and in pain like the psalmist. And it seems that I have been praying to God for a very long time, to help me with my problems, and all that I am met with, is silence from God. Then I begin to question if God has given up on me or has stopped listening to me and my prayers.
The Old Testament story of Job, is a reminder of crying out to God for answers and receiving silence. Job cried out to God for the first thirty seven chapters of the book of Job and God finally answered him in chapter 38. God said, “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it?” (Job 38:4-5). That is God’s way of reminding us that God continues to be in charge of this universe.
The psalmist, in our scripture reading today, seems to be asking, “God, are you even listening to these prayers of mine that I am pouring out to you?” I’m hurting Lord, I’m in deep anguish God, please hear my prayers. The psalmist is reminding us that it’s allright to complain to God. We don’t have to hide our feelings from God because He knows what they are already.
It could be that God is not silent after all; it’s possible that we are not tuned into hearing God. We are surrounded by background noise and countless distractions. God is trying to communicate with us, but we can’t hear God because we have blocked him out. Our minds are tuned into the internet or the television instead of reading our Bible daily or a few moments of quiet prayer with God. It is in those moments that we can hear that still, small voice of our creator God. And it is in those moments that we can receive answers to our worries or concerns.
1 Kings 19:11-12: The LORD said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the LORD, for the LORD is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the LORD, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

This is why it is crucial to have a daily quiet time with God, so that through reading the Bible, or through prayer, God can speak to your heart through the Holy Spirit, in that still, small voice. Don’t allow yourself to be too busy that you don’t take the time to listen.
There is a story that you may have heard about a man who once lost his valuable watch in an ice house. All of his fellow workers diligently searched the ice house looking for the watch. They combed every inch of it, but they couldn’t find it. A little boy, hearing about their search, slipped into the ice house and quickly emerged with the watch. All of the men were amazed and they said, “How did you find it?” And he said, ” Well I simply went to the ice house, closed the door, laid down quietly on the floor, and then I began to listen. After a while, I could hear the tick, tick, tick of the watch.” Are you training yourself to listen for that still, small voice of God?
What happens when prayers seem to go unanswered or not answered in the way that we wanted them to be? For me, it’s continuing to have faith and trust in God and His plan for my life. I have struggled lately with my calling and why things have not worked out in the time frame that I have wanted them to. I feel that I have been faithful to God and sometimes I just can’t understand why opportunities have passed me by and doors have been closed on me. Someone told me several weeks ago that God closes one door in order to open up another one. I don’t know about you, but I am getting tired of all those doors slamming shut in my face.Revelation 3:8  "

 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

However, I continue to have faith and hope, and I trust in God’s promises. I pray that you will continue to have faith and seek out some quality, quiet time with God. I believe, that it is in those quiet moments, that we have the opportunity to experience God revealing himself to us and making clear His will for our lives. We must train ourselves to be quiet, and to listen, and then respond, to our creator God.

Hope you're blesses please send you comments....tell me how do you respond when God doesn't seem to hear you........Be blessed


Despite all devil's plans in our lives mostly to make our lives a living hell still there is hope, faith and love for us. God Him self says that "He will never leave or forsaken us let us have faith in Him, love Him..The following selection is taken from Holy Living mostly concerning about Hope, Faith and Love. - Joe Bavuma
The Acts of Faith Are:

1. To believe everything that God has revealed to us; and when once we are convinced that God has spoken it, to make no further inquiry but humbly to submit; ever remembering that there are some things that our understanding cannot fathom, nor search out their depth.
What Is Hope?
The Acts of Hope Are:
About Love
The Acts of Love of God Are:

2. To believe nothing concerning God but what is honorable and excellent. Faith is the parent of love, and whatever faith entertains must be apt to produce love to God; but he that believes God to be cruel or unmerciful, or a rejoicer in the unavoidable damnation of the greatest part of mankind, or that He speaks one thing and privately means another, thinks evil thoughts concerning God. We would hate a man for such things, and therefore such thoughts are great enemies of faith, being apt to destroy love. Our faith concerning God must be as He Himself has revealed and described His own excellencies. In our discourses we must remove from Him all imperfection, and attribute to Him all excellency.
3. To give ourselves wholly up to Christ in heart and desire, to become disciples of His teaching. It means standing in the presence of God but as fools, that is, without any principles of our own to hinder the truth of God; but eagerly drinking in all that God has taught us, believing it infinitely, and loving to believe it. For this is an act of love, reflected upon faith; or an act of faith, leaning upon love.
4. To believe all God’s promises, and that whatever is promised in Scripture shall on God’s part be as surely performed as if we had it in possession. This act makes us rely upon God with the same confidence as we did on our parents when we were children, when we had no doubt but that whatever we needed we should have it, if it were in their power.
5. To believe also the conditions of the promise, or that part of the revelation that concerns our duty. Many are apt to believe the article of remission of sins, but they believe it without the condition of repentance, or the fruits of holy life. To do so is to believe the doctrine other than God intended it. For the covenant of the Gospel is the great object of faith, and that supposes our duty to answer His grace; that God will be our God so long as we are His people. Anything other than this is not faith, but flattery.
6. To profess publicly the doctrine of Jesus Christ, openly owning whatever He has revealed and commanded, not being ashamed of the word of God, or of any practices enjoined by it; and this, without complying with any man’s interest, not regarding favor, nor being moved with good words. Not fearing disgrace, or loss, or inconvenience, or death itself.
7. To pray without doubting, without weariness, without faintness, entertaining no jealousies or suspicions of God. Rather, faith means being confident of God’s hearing us, and of His answering us, whatever the manner or the timing may be. Faith believes that if we do our duty, His answer will be gracious and merciful.
The servants of Jesus maintain these acts of faith in varying degrees. Some have it but as a grain of mustard seed; some grow up to a plant; some have the fullness of faith. Nevertheless, even the smallest amount of faith must be a persuasion so strong that it moves us to undertake all the duties that Christ built upon the foundation of believing.
Faith differs from hope, in the extension of its object, and in the intention of degree. St. Augustine describes their differences this way: Faith pertains to all things revealed, good and bad, rewards and punishments, of things past, present, and to come, of things that concern us, and of things that concern us not. But hope has for its object only things that are future, are good, and that pertain to ourselves. The certainty of hope is less than the adherence of faith. To illustrate, faith tells me that it is infallibly certain that there is a heaven for all the godly and that heaven will include me if I do my duty. However, to believe that I shall enter into heaven is the object of my hope, not of my faith. It is only as sure as my perseverance in the ways of God.
1. To rely upon God with a confident expectation of His promises, ever esteeming that every promise of God is a storehouse of all the grace and relief that we can need in the instance for which the promise is made. Every degree of hope is a degree of confidence.
2. To esteem all the danger of an action, and the possibilities of failure, and every mishap that can intervene, to be no defect on God’s part, but either a mercy on His part, or a fault on ours. For then we shall be sure to trust in God, when we see Him to be our confidence, and ourselves to be the cause of all failures. The hope of a Christian is prudent and religious.
3. To rejoice in the midst of a misfortune or seeming sadness, knowing that this may work for good, and will, if we are not found lacking. This is a direct act of hope, to look through the cloud and see a beam of the light from God. This is called in Scripture, rejoicing in tribulation,” when “the God of hope fills us with all joy in believing.” Every degree of hope brings a degree of joy.
4. To desire, to pray, and to long for the great object of our hope, the mighty price of our high calling. Hope is to desire the other things of this life as they are promised-that is, only so far as they are necessary and useful to us in order to further God’s glory and the great end of souls.
Love is the greatest thing that God can give us, for He Himself is love. Love is also the greatest thing we can give to God, for in it we also give ourselves, and carry with it all that is ours. The apostle calls love the bond of perfection. It is the old, and it is the new; it is the great commandment, and it is all the commandments. For love is the fulfillment of the Law. It does the work of all other graces. The love of sin makes a man sin against all his own reason and all the advice of his friends. Similarly, the love of God makes a man chaste even without the laborious arts of fasting and exterior disciplines. It makes him temperate in the midst of feasts. It is a grace that loves God for Himself, and our neighbors for God. The consideration of God’s goodness and generosity, the experience of those profitable and excellent gifts from Him, may be, and most commonly are, the first motive of our love. But once we have entered into God’s love, and have tasted the goodness of God, we love the spring for its own excellency, passing from lust to reason, from thanking to adoring, from sense to spirit, from considering ourselves to a union with God. This is the image and little representation of heaven; it is beatitude in picture, or rather the infancy and beginnings of glory.
We need no incentives to move us to the love of God. There is in God an infinite nature, immensity or vastness without extension or limit, immutability, eternity, omnipotence, omniscience, holiness, dominion, providence, bounty, mercy, justice, perfection in Himself, and the end to which all things and all actions must be directed, and will at last arrive. Our appreciation of these things is heightened when we consider our distance from all these glories: our smallness and limited nature, our nothingness, our inconstancy, our brief age, our weakness and ignorance, our poverty, our mistakes and lack of consideration, our disabilities and disaffections to do good, our harsh natures and unmerciful inclinations, our universal iniquity, and our necessities and dependencies.
God is a torrent of pleasure for the voluptuous; He is the fountain of honor for the ambitious; and He is an inexhaustible treasure for the covetous. Fulfillment of our vices can truly and really be found nowhere but in God. [That is, true love of God will replace our earthly vices.] How much more so, then, will our virtues find a proper object in love of God. It is certain that this love will turn all into virtue. When all has been summed up, and it is asked whether someone is a good man or not, the answer is not found in what he believes, or what he hopes, but what he loves.
1. Love does all things that may please the beloved person. It performs all his commandments. “This is love, that we keep His commandments.” Love is obedient.
2. It does all the intimations and secret significations of his pleasure whom we love. Great love is also pliant and inquisitive in the instances of its expression.
3. Love gives away all things so that the lover may advance the interest of the beloved person. It relieves all whom the loved one would have relieved. He never loved God who would quit anything of his religion in order to save his money. Love is always liberal.
4. It suffers all things that are imposed by its beloved, or that can happen for his sake, or that intervene in his service. Love does this cheerfully, sweetly, willingly-expecting that God will turn them into good, and instruments of joy. “Love hopes all things, endures all things.” Love is patient and content with anything, so long as the lover can be together with his beloved.
5. Love is also impatient of anything that may displease the beloved person, hating all sin as the enemy of its friend. For love contracts all the same relations, and marries the same friendships and the same hatreds. Any fondness for a sin is perfectly inconsistent with the love of God. Love is not divided between God and God’s enemy. We must love God with all our heart; that is, give Him a whole and undivided affection, having love for nothing else but such things that He allows and that He commands or loves Himself. 

Prayer of Confession

Pray these words heartily and believe in them, for God is going to work on you right now as you start praying following these words.Say
God of hope and safety, like sheep who go astray, we have wandered from your paths of life and light. We have heard the Shepherd's voice calling us by name, but we have turned instead to our own way. Show us your tender mercy; restore us in the security of your fold. Lead us back to still waters, seat us again at your bounteous table. Fill us with your Spirit, that we might bear glad witness to your saving mercy, revealed to us in the Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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Bible faith is based on the Word of God. It comes by hearing the Word of God.Romans 10:17 says, “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” If you get out beyond the Word of God, you have no basis for faith-and you will get into trouble.
It seems to me people ought to have a little sense. In other words, I do not understand how some people can go around spouting off things, endeavoring to believe and calling it faith when it is merely presumption and folly.
Christians need to have enough sense to know where faith will work and where it won’t. Never get out beyond the Word of God. You get into trouble when you move beyond the Word of God and have no basis for faith.
To have a foundation for your faith, be certain that the promises of God cover what you’re believing for. You have a right to believe for anything God’s Word promises you. But if you get out beyond that, you are out in presumption or foolishness. For instance, sometimes single people, because “you can have what you say,” will pick out someone and claim him or her as a mate.Make these confessions aloud today:
I am not a doubter.
I do have faith.
My faith works.
My faith is in God the Father.
My faith is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
My faith is in the Holy Bible, the Word of God.
God’s Word is true.I believe the Word of God.
Therefore, I believe God. God’s Word works!

Single people have a right-because there is scripture for it-to claim a wife or husband. But they do not necessarily have the right just to pick out a particular person and say, “I’m going to claim So-and-so.” That other person has a say in the situation! Singles have the right to believe God for a wife or husband, but they should let the Lord send them one.
A young graduate from a denominational seminary was in some of our meetings in Texas. He had been filled with the Holy Spirit and had been kicked out of his denomination. He took my wife and me out for lunch one day where he announced, “I’m getting married.” “Oh,” my wife said, “who is the lucky girl?” He proceeded to tell us about a woman who sang in the choir at the church he attended. He did not even know her name. He had never met her. He just liked the looks of her sitting up there in the choir.
He said, “I claimed her. Brother Hagin preaches you can have what you say. I’ve already said it.”
My wife asked, “And you never even have had a date with her?”
“No. I never have shaken her hand or even seen her up close.”
Well, when he got up close, she might not have looked as good as she did from a distance! Kidding aside, the woman has a say in the matter! He cannot override her will. He has a right to claim a wife. The Bible says, “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord” (Prov. 18:22). He has a right to claim a wife-but he should let God bring him the one He wants for him.
I started preaching when I was 17. It seemed as if someone was always trying to make a match for me. One girl came and told me that God showed her she was supposed to marry me. “Well,” I said, “when He tells me, I will accept it.” God never did tell me. Such things would be funny if they weren’t so pathetic. Lives have been ruined over things like this. Be sure the Scriptures cover what you are believing for. Don’t get out beyond God’s Word.
Through the years, many people have asked me to pray with them, saying, “Brother Hagin, I want you pray with me about such-and-such.” I purposely ask them, “What scriptures are you standing on?” Eight out of ten times-and I kept a record of it for years-they looked at me with a blank expression and said, “Well, none in particular.” I told them, “That’s what you’ll get then-nothing in particular. You have no foundation for faith. Faith is based on what God said. Faith in God is faith in God’s Word.”
Many times we use terms loosely. Recognize that when talking about faith, we’re talking about faith in God-and faith in God is faith in His Word. “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). You’re not going to have faith for something if you don’t hear the Word of God on it.
So find scriptures that cover your case. Find scriptures that promise you the things you are praying for. Then you have a solid foundation for faith. If something arises-even though I know the scriptures which apply and can quote many of them from memory-I don’t pray about the matter immediately. I go to the Word. I read again the same scriptures I could quote. I go over them again and again sometimes for a day or two. (If an emergency arises, that is a different thing. In doing that, I am building the Word of God into my spirit. That way, when I get ready to act in faith, there is no doubt. I am solid.
I do not want to attract attention to myself-I tell this to glorify God and His Word-but not one single time in more than 50 years have I had a prayer go unanswered. (Now you understand I am talking about things concerning myself individually. When you are praying about someone else, that person’s will enters in.) As far as for me individually, I never prayed about anything without receiving the answer.
Sometimes it would take a little time. I just stayed in the Word every moment I could. I would meditate for hours on the scriptures that covered what I was believing for. Then I believed only what the Word said. I had a sure foundation for faith.
Sometimes I had to make adjustments before the answer could manifest. I made them in a hurry. For instance, in 1949, I left the last church I pastored and went out into a field ministry at the Lord’s direction. At the end of my first year of traveling, I spent three days fasting and praying. I reminded the Lord of something He said in the Old Testament: “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land” (Isa. 1:19).
(That Scripture belongs to us, too. We can prove from the New Testament that we are heir to it. It means that you will prosper and have a good life. It does not mean you will never have any tests-because the devil will put pressure on you.)
I told the Lord, “Lord, my children are not even eating right. I’ve worn out my car; now I’m out here on the field on foot. I’m sure not eating the good of the land-yet You promised that I would. Something is wrong somewhere.” (I knew the trouble was with me. The problem is never with God.) The third day of my fast, just as plainly as somebody speaking, the Lord said, “That text you keep quoting to Me says, ‘If you be willing and obedient.’ You were obedient, but you weren’t willing. You don’t qualify. That’s the reason it’s not working for you.” I kept trying to magnify the obedience part-He got on the willing part! Just as a child can obey his parents and not be willing, so you can actually obey the Lord and not be willing and therefore still miss it. I got willing in 10 seconds! Don’t tell me it takes a long time to get willing. It didn’t take me 10 seconds to make a little adjustment right down on the inside.
Then I said, “Lord, I’m ready now. You already told me I was obedient. Now I’m willing. I know it. You know it. And the devil knows it. So I’m ready now to start eating the good of the land.”
He said, “Yes, you are. Now I will tell you what to do.”
He told me, and I’ve been “eating the good” ever since!
The psalmist of old said, “The entrance of thy words giveth light . . .” (Ps. 119:130). The entrance of God’s Word gives light. When there is light in a room, it is no problem at all to walk around. As long as the light is there, you can walk fine. But with all the lights out on a dark night, you may stumble and fall over objects in that room. The entrance of God’s Word gives light. The reason many fall and fail is because they have left the light of the Word of God. They are walking in presumption or folly.
What does God’s Word say? Too many answer, “Well, I don’t know.”
Find out what it says. Find the scriptures that promise you the things you are praying for. You’re always on safe ground when you’re standing on the Scriptures. When you get away from God’s Word, you are in a gray area. Some people want to step over into the dark, and whether or not the Word of God promises it, they say, “I’m just going to believe.” Believing God is believing His Word. Oh, how necessary it is to know the Word of God. Thank God, He has given us His Word. We need not be in the dark. The entrance of God’s Word gives light.
What does it mean to walk in the light? It means to walk in the Word! Walking in the Word is walking in the light. To walk away from the Word means to walk into darkness.
I am a believer.
Hope you are blessed please send your comment on how you see God's promises in you working ..........
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